EGYPES 2024 is set to steer thought leadership in climate-conscious and sustainable energy production, highlighting the multitude of opportunities that arise from a responsible energy transition. Anticipating participation from over 35,000 attendees and 2,200 delegates. Gain direct access to the primary stakeholders involved in the region’s upcoming projects investing more than $1 billion in the oil and natural gas sector in the Western Desert region of Egypt.




Oil is necessary and here to stay for many years to come. That is why it is so important that resources are carefully exploited, with decarbonisation where possible. The oil industry as a whole is reacting responsibly. The EGYPES shows are testament to that. With the spread of information via the web, most children around the world are aware of the dangers associated with oil, petroleum and natural gas. We have included a few popular Youtube videos on the subject, to show that Egypt, the Middle East and other oil producing nations are not shy of the problems they face, in transitioning from fossil fuels to zero emission renewables. But are actually squaring up to these challenges.


Cairo looked to offer unprecedented participation from some 35,000 attendees and 2,200 delegates from the global energy community in 2024, with preparations for the 2025 event well under way, as to the potential to adduce alternative Petroleum dialogue ahead of COP29 at Baku, Azerbaijan, November 2024, where the 'Parties' formulate plans to reverse global warming as their raison d'être.

EGYPES 2024 and 2025 aim to steer leadership in climate change and sustainable energy production, focusing on responsible transition. EGYPES 2024 provided a business platform to boost bilateral trade, commerce and innovation, with 500 plus exhibiting energy related groups participating.


The land of the Pharaohs and Pyramids is an ideal location to discuss preventing planet earth from becoming one vast desert, amid an oasis of unlimited renewable electricity, the host basking in untapped solar energy for green hydrogen via electrolyzers. The event is supported by President Abdel Fattah el Sisi.





Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil is an Egyptian politician and former military officer who has served as the sixth and current president of Egypt since 2014. Before retiring as a general in the Egyptian military in 2014, the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, served as deputy prime minister from 2013 to 2014, also as minister of defense from 2012 to 2013, and as its director of military intelligence from 2010 to 2012. He attained the rank of Field Marshal in January 2014.



Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil is an Egyptian politician and former military officer who has served as the sixth and current president of Egypt since 2014. Before retiring as a general in the Egyptian military in 2014, the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, served as deputy prime minister from 2013 to 2014, also as minister of defense from 2012 to 2013, and as its director of military intelligence from 2010 to 2012. He attained the rank of Field Marshal in January 2014.




تتطلع القاهرة إلى تقديم مشاركة غير مسبوقة من حوالي 35000 مشارك و2200 مندوب من مجتمع الطاقة العالمي، فيما يتعلق بإمكانية تقديم حوار نفطي بديل قبل انعقاد مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة المعني بتغير المناخ (COP29) في باكو، أذربيجان، نوفمبر 2024، حيث تقوم "الأطراف" بصياغة خطط لعكس اتجاه ظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري باعتباره هدفها الرئيسي. سبب الوجود.

تهدف EGYPES 2024 إلى توجيه القيادة في مجال تغير المناخ وإنتاج الطاقة المستدامة، مع التركيز على التحول المسؤول للطاقة. توفر EGYPES 2024 منصة أعمال لتعزيز التجارة الثنائية والتجارة والابتكار، حيث تشارك فيها أكثر من 500 مجموعة عارضة ذات صلة بالطاقة.

تعتبر أرض الفراعنة والأهرامات موقعًا مثاليًا لمناقشة منع تحول الكوكب إلى صحراء شاسعة، وسط واحة من الكهرباء المتجددة غير المحدودة، حيث يستمتع المضيف بالطاقة الشمسية غير المستغلة للهيدروجين الأخضر عبر المحللات الكهربائية.

tatatalae alqahirat 'iilaa taqdim musharakat ghayr masbuqat min hawalay 35000 musharik wa2200 mandub min mujtamae altaaqat alealamii, fima yataealaq bi'iimkaniat taqdim hiwar naftiin badil qabl aineiqad mutamar al'umam almutahidat almaenii bitaghayur almunakh (COP29) fi baku, 'adharbijan, nufimbir 2024, hayth taqum "al'atrafi" bisiaghat khutat lieaks aitijah zahirat alaihtibas alhararii biaietibarih hadafaha alrayiysiu. sabab alwujudi.

tahdif EGYPES 2024 'iilaa tawjih alqiadat fi majal taghayur almunakh wa'iintaj altaaqat almustadamati, mae altarkiz ealaa altahawul almaswuwl liltaaqati. tawafur EGYPES 2024 minasat 'aemal litaeziz altijarat althunayiyat waltijarat walaibtikar, hayth tusharik fiha 'akthar min 500 majmueat earidat dhat silat bialtaaqati.

tuetabir 'ard alfaraeinat wal'ahramat mwqean mthalyan limunaqashat mane tahawul alkawkab 'iilaa sahra' shasieatin, wast wahat min alkahraba' almutajadidat ghayr almahdudati, hayth yastamtie almudif bialtaaqat alshamsiat ghayr almustaghalat lilhaydrujin al'akhdar eabr almuhalilat alkahrabayiyati.






HE Tarek El Molla

Minister of Petroleum & Mineral Resources

Arab Republic of Egypt




HE George Papanastasiou

Minister Energy, Commerce & Industry




HE Hayan Abdul Ghani Abdul


Deputy PM & Minister of Oil

Republic of Iraq




Pedro Rafael Tellechea Ruiz

Minister Petroleum, President

Petroleos de Venezuela





HE Antonio Oburu Ondo

Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons
Equatorial Guinea




HE Dr Walid Fayad

Minister of Energy and Water






HE Francisco da Costa


Minister Petroleum Resources
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste




Alexandra Sdoukou

Deputy Minister for Environment and Energy





Hon Judith Kapinga

Deputy Minister
Ministry of Energy






  HE Dr Amani Abou-Zeid

Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy & Digitalisation
African Union





Ditte Juul Jørgensen
Director General for Energy

European Commission





HE Haitham Al Ghais
Sec. Gen. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries





HE Dr Omar Farouq Ibrahim

Sec. Gen. African Petroleum Producers Association





HE Nasser Kamel

Sec. Gen. Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)





HE Osama Mobarez

Sec. Gen. East Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF)





Dr Houda Ben Jannet Organisation Méditerranéenne de l’Energie et du Climate




HE Eng Jamal Al Loughani Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)




Murray Auchincloss


British Petroleum (BP)




Terje Pilskog

Chief Executive Officer





Musabbeh Alkaabi 

Exec. Dir. Low Carbon Solutions & International Growth ADNOC





EGYPES 2024 welcomes the international energy community from 19 - 21 February 2024 at the Egypt International Exhibition Center to address energy transition, security and decarbonisation globally. The Middle East is leading the conversation around a fair and equitable energy transition and energy future. At the nexus between North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East, Egypt is emerging as the gateway to new energy frontiers, as well as an attractive investment and partner destination in its own right.

The event promises to collectively pave the way towards achieving ambitious decarbonisation goals, experience the EGYPES Future Energy Zone & Theatre to play your role in becoming a catalyst for shaping a sustainable future on the road to net-zero. Showcasing solutions in: 

Decarbonisation | Hydrogen Fuel | Desulphurisation | Transitional Fuels | Climate Tech | Methane Reduction | Renewable Energy | Net-Zero Innovations | Carbon Capture Utilisation & Storage


ترحب EGYPES 2024 بمجتمع الطاقة الدولي في الفترة من 19 إلى 21 فبراير 2024 في مركز مصر للمعارض الدولية لمعالجة تحول الطاقة والأمن وإزالة الكربون على مستوى العالم. يقود الشرق الأوسط الحوار حول التحول العادل والمنصف للطاقة ومستقبل الطاقة. وفي همزة الوصل بين شمال أفريقيا، ومنطقة جنوب الصحراء الكبرى في أفريقيا، والبحر الأبيض المتوسط، والشرق الأوسط، تبرز مصر باعتبارها بوابة إلى حدود جديدة في مجال الطاقة، فضلاً عن كونها وجهة استثمارية جذابة وشريكة في حد ذاتها.

يعد هذا الحدث بأن يكون تجربة غامرة لتمهيد الطريق بشكل جماعي نحو تحقيق أهداف طموحة لإزالة الكربون، وتجربة منطقة ومسرح طاقة المستقبل في EGYPES للعب دورك في أن تصبح حافزًا لتشكيل مستقبل مستدام على الطريق إلى صافي الصفر. عرض الحلول في:

إزالة الكربون | وقود الهيدروجين | إزالة الكبريت | الوقود الانتقالي | تكنولوجيا المناخ | تخفيض غاز الميثان | الطاقة المتجددة | ابتكارات صافي الصفر | استخدام وتخزين الكربون






Mohamed Ismail Mansour
Co-Founder, CEO, and Chairman
Infinity Power




Lorenzo Simonelli
Chairman and CEO
Baker Hughes




Ali Al Jarwan
Chief Executive Officer
Dragon Oil




Maria Rita Galli
Chief Executive Officer




Dr Eng Magdy Galal




Eng Bader Saeed Al Lamki
Chief Executive Officer
ADNOC Distribution




Clay Neff   President

Exploration & Production

Chevron Int. 




Stefano Venier

Chief Executive Officer





Eugene Okpere   VP

Exploration, Strategy & Portfolio





Guangzhe Chen
Vice President for Infrastructure
The World Bank




Song Yu
Executive Chairman
United Energy Group (UEG)




John Ardill
VP Global Exploration




Ibrahim Abdelqader Mekki Mahgoub
President & Chair ECHEM




Jean Sentenac
President and CEO




Mathios Rigas




Jean-Philippe Torres
Senior Vice President Africa




Antonio Pietri




Adriano Mongini
Azule Energy




Eng Dragoș Roibu
Chief of Staff, Ministry of Energy




Dr Mustapha Hamid
CEO, Ghana Petroleum Authority President (ARDA)







With a rich programme of keynote speeches, motivational talks and panel discussions, the Clima-Tech Challenge will gather global energy industry visionaries, investors, change-makers, and emerging start-ups to showcase the critical innovations and groundbreaking climate technologies that are creating value and offering innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Showcasing solutions in: 

Renewable Energy | Energy Storage | Energy Efficiency | Carbon Offsetting | Direct Air Capture | Climate Analytics | Hydrogen Fuel Cells | Environmental Sensors | CCUS | Circular Economy 


ترحب EGYPES 2024 بمجتمع الطاقة الدولي في الفترة من 19 إلى 21 فبراير 2024 في مركز مصر للمعارض الدولية لمعالجة تحول الطاقة والأمن وإزالة الكربون على مستوى العالم. يقود الشرق الأوسط الحوار حول التحول العادل والمنصف للطاقة ومستقبل الطاقة. وفي همزة الوصل بين شمال أفريقيا، ومنطقة جنوب الصحراء الكبرى في أفريقيا، والبحر الأبيض المتوسط، والشرق الأوسط، تبرز مصر باعتبارها بوابة إلى حدود جديدة في مجال الطاقة، فضلاً عن كونها وجهة استثمارية جذابة وشريكة في حد ذاتها.

يعد هذا الحدث بأن يكون تجربة غامرة لتمهيد الطريق بشكل جماعي نحو تحقيق أهداف طموحة لإزالة الكربون، وتجربة منطقة ومسرح طاقة المستقبل في EGYPES للعب دورك في أن تصبح حافزًا لتشكيل مستقبل مستدام على الطريق إلى صافي الصفر. عرض الحلول في:

إزالة الكربون | وقود الهيدروجين | إزالة الكبريت | الوقود الانتقالي | تكنولوجيا المناخ | تخفيض غاز الميثان | الطاقة المتجددة | ابتكارات صافي الصفر | استخدام وتخزين الكربون






Alessandro Puliti




Sherif Foda
Chairman and CEO




Khaled Nouh




Mark Moffat




Robert Valk
CEO and Founder
Renergy Group Partners




Aida Araissi
CEO Bilateral US-Arab

Chamber of Commerce




Anastasios Vlassopoulos
Chief Executive Officer
HELLENiQ Upstream




Moath Al Rawi
Chief Executive Officer




Geoff Probert
Capricorn Energy




Sameh Sabry
Senior VP - Middle East, N Africa




Faye Gerard

Energy Transition Director

Int. Assoc. Oil & Gas Producers





Rich Wall

Principal Vice President for

Downstream & Chemicals





Richard Ward

Executive Vice President

Global Field Operations




Ahmed Osama

Ministry of Petroleum

and Mineral Resources

Arab Republic of Egypt



Brad Boyd

Senior Vice President

Corporate Resources

Methanex Corporation



Luca Vignati
Upstream Director



Eleonor Kramarz
Energy Transition Consulting
S&P Global


John Defterios Prof. Bus.
Former Emerging Editor, CNN,
NYU Abu Dhabi


Eithne Treanor


HE Dr. Yasmine Fouad
Minister of Environment
Arab Republic of Egypt





The Young Professionals programme extends its impact across an on-site and off-site learning experiences that actively engage high school and university students within the framework of STEM Education, with expansions into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Engagement initiatives featuring: 


Race to Zero Game | Zero-Carbon City | Green Energy Village | Technology Zone | Engineering Zone | Industrial Field Trips | Youth Competition | Expo Tours | Youth Talks | Volunteer Programme





Stefano Raciti
Chief Operating Officer
Mubadala Energy



Marco Villa
Chief Business Officer
Technip Energies



Frank Cassulo
Vice President
Chevron International



Francois Dao
VP, Middle East & Africa
EDF Renewables



Faisal Mohmand
Principle VP & President
Bechtel Energy Technologies




Sergio Molisani

Chief Int. Asset Officer





Ahmed Mostafa

Deputy CEO, Production





Wael Lotfy

Chairman & CEO





Saeed Al Ahbabi

Shared Services & Tech.

ADNOC Distribution




Nadja Wendler

VP, Sustainability

Wintershall Dea AG



Jessica Jackson
VP Environment, Health & Safety
Apache Corporation


Mahmoud Nagy
Distribution & Marketing
Ministry Petroleum Resources


Mohamed Abady
Vice Chairman, Energy Transition


Dalia Elgabry
VP Egypt & Country Chair


Kamel Al Sawi
United Energy Egypt


Manal Hassan
Chief Sustainability Officer
El Sewedy Electric



Loïc Jaegert-Huber
Regional Director North Africa



Olivier Blaringhem
Executive Vice President



Mario Franchin
VP North & East Africa
Maire Tecnimont



Mario Ruscev
Exec. VP Products & Technology







Rasha Hasaneen
Product & Sustainability Officer
Aspen Technologies




Sebastien Riez
NE Africa & Levant President
Schneider Electric



Karim Badwai
Director of New Energy, MENA



Denisse Abudinén
Chief Executive Officer Egypt
Enap Sipetrol



Joey Deng
Chief Executive Officer
Huawei Digital Power Egypt



Anthony Watson, Ras Ghareb Wind Energy

Antony Watson
Chief Executive Officer
Ras Ghareb Wind Energy



HE Khamis Juma Buamim
Ch. Dubai Council for Marine & Maritime Ind. (Emirates)



Hesham Yehia
Sustainability Director



Mokhtar Abul Ata
Director, North Africa
Infinity Power



Antonios Mountouris
HSE & Sustainable Development



Raji Hattar
Chief Sustainability Officer



Eleanor Rowley
Managing Director Egypt
Capricorn Energy



Mohamed Shindy
Managing Director
Methanex Egypt



Wang Hao
Chief Technology Officer
Huawei Energy



Ossama Maguid
Countries Manager Egypt/Africa



Mohamed Shoukry
Country Director, Egypt



Mahmoud Shata
Head of Project Development



Michael Egorov
Climate Manager
Wintershall Dea AG



Alexander Kajo
VP Gen. Man. Downstream IMEA, Nalco Water (Ecolab Co)



Maged Mahmoud
Dir. Regional Center for Renewable Energy Efficiency





يمتد برنامج المهنيين الشباب تأثيره عبر تجارب التعلم داخل الموقع وخارجه التي تشرك طلاب المدارس الثانوية والجامعات بنشاط في إطار تعليم العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات، مع التوسعات في العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات. مبادرات المشاركة التي تضم:

لعبة السباق الى الصفر | مدينة خالية من الكربون | قرية الطاقة الخضراء | منطقة التكنولوجيا | المنطقة الهندسية | رحلات ميدانية صناعية | مسابقة الشباب | جولات المعرض | محادثات الشباب | برنامج التطوع






Ahmed Samir Elbermbali
Sustainability Leader, Middle East Region - Bureau Veritas



Benjamin Neal
Head of HSSEQ
P&O Maritime Logistics



Fabien Lundy
VP Commercial EMEA



Yasseen Mohamed
V. Chairman, Operation

National Gas Grid, EGAS



Lamé Verre
Co-founder & Chair
Lean in Equity Sustainability



Mohamed El-Ahmady
Vice President
Mediterranean Energy



Amira Osama
Head of Sustainability



Paddy Blewer
Corp. Communications Director



Jan Zschommler
Area Man. Middle East & Africa
DNV Energy Systems



Antonio Lucci
Sr. Man. Carbon Reduction Excellence - RINA



Pablo Avogadri
Partner and Director, Energy
Boston Consulting Group



Fotios Katsoulas
Associate Director
S&P Global



Hisham El Grawany
Market Area Manager Nth Africa
DNV Energy Systems



Alaa El Batal
CEO Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC)



Nicolas Katcharov
Chief Executive Officer
Energean International



Ashraf Bahaa



Youssef Salem
Chief Financial Officer
ADNOC Drilling



Nikiforos Bantoukoudis
Chief Financial Officer
HELLENiQ Upstream



Naser Al Hajri
Sr. VP Ops & Deputy COO
Mubadala Energy



Zoe Knight
Sust. Finance Climate MENAT













Emilian Nyanda  Dir.

Environmental Management Unit

Ministry of Energy, Tanzania



Norinao Sato
Exec. VP Middle East & Africa



Leslie Zhang Weihua
VP & General Counsel
United Energy Group



Giorgi Bibineishvili
Head Upstream
Georgian Oil & Gas Corp.



Dimitris Triantafyllopoulos

Managing Director

Hellenic Hydrogen



Jauad El Kharraz  Dir.

Regional Center for Renewable Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)



Nathan Piper
Commercial Director
Capricorn Energy



Sven Goethals   Dir.

Hydrogen & Decarbonization




Mohamed Sherif

Green Hydrogen Director

Infinity Power



Tameer Nasser
Finance Dir. Africa and Iraq



Anass Joundy 
Ass. Dir.
 Nat. Resources, Sth & E. Med



Tarek Hosny 
Investments and Projects



Matthew Furness 
Bus. Dev Downstream & Chems
Bechtel Energy



Nicolas Evanoff 
 Chief Legal Officer
Apex International Energy



Fernando Kalligas
Senior Dir. Corp. Affairs



Giacomo Matarazzo
Dev. & Strategy Director



Rouzbeh Fazlinejad
Managing Director
Houlihan Lokey



Heba Raslan
Sharkawy & Sarhan



Mohamed Shaker Abouelez
Corp. Structured Finance
Banque du Caire



Nkechukwuaga Amangbo 
 Liquidity, Commodities, Mkts
Moneda Investment














Konstantinos Chatzifotis
EU Affairs Manager
Motor Oil Group



Scott Gale
Executive Director
Halliburton Labs



Mounia Attiga
Chair of North Africa
Lean in Equity & Sust.



Mohammad Abu Zahra
Head Middle East & N Africa
Global CCS Institute



Mohammed El Haddad
Head of Energy



Steve Lutes
VP Middle East Affairs
US Chamber of Commerce



Moez Miaoui  Head
 ESG Advisory, N. & W Africa


 Christopher Cantelmi
Principal Investment Officer



Ahmed Mokhar
Vice Chair & MD
NBK Capital Assets Egypt



Ross Cassidy 
Middle East and N. Africa
Welligence Energy Analytics


Mucha Hazel Nyandoro



Heba Abdel-Kader
Deputy CEO, Foreign Trade
Egyptian Petroleum Corp




Moushira Khattab
President National Council for Human Rights



Ahmed Khalifa
Dep. CEO, Planning & Projects
Egyptian Petroleum Corp



Cany Jobe 
Exploration & Production
Gambia Nat. Petroleum Corp



Joyce Kisamo
Asst. Commissioner Petroleum
Ministry of Energy, Tanzania



Anthony Bleboo 
Electricity and Natural Gas
Energy Commission Ghana



Rashid Ali Abdallah
Exec. Dir. African Energy Commission (AFREC)



Sheila Addo   Dir.
Policy Coordination
Ghana Nat. Petroleum Auth.



Samir Raslan
Undersecretary for Exploration
Ministry Petroleum Res.












Anibor Kragha
Exec. Sec. African Refiners & Distributors Association (ARDA)




Lanre Runsewe
Group Chief Executive Officer
Rungas Group



Aysha Abba
Group Chief Executive Officer



Jaime Luzolo 
Energy Transition & Decarb. 
Azule Energy



Henry Ikem Obih
Independent Non-Exec. Dir.
Fidelity Bank Plc



Mamadou Beye 

Corporate Affairs - Exploration & Prod. Chevron Int.



Princess Moradeun Ogunlana
Founder & CEO
AWHPI Global Foundation



Prince Randy Sogan
Executive Chairman
Black Lion Group



Adly Kafafy
VP Africa & New Ventures
TAQA Arabia



Taiwo Okwor
Vice President, Investment
Africa Finance Corporation



Andrew Daniel



Mohamed Hosseiny  MD
Egypt & North Africa
Hitachi Energy



Hussam Abuseif
Vice President Africa and Iraq



Malak El Shishiny
Vice President Investment
Hassan Allam Utilities



Zakaria Dosso

Africa Energy Invest. Comm.



Emeka Iheme
Managing Director
Gasavant Africa



Albert Nyakujarah
Project & Asset Based Finance




Kristian Svendsen
Country Manager
Chevron Egypt



Gianluca Ciricugno  Dir
Enterprise Growth Market Africa
Baker Hughes



Soraya Hassan
CEO and Founder
Development and Beyond












Mickael Vogel
Director & Head of Research



Wafaa El Ashry
HR Manager Egypt



Manal El-Jesri
Public Affairs Manager
Methanex Egypt




Walid Tayel
Group Chief HR Officer
El Sewedy Electric



Tareq Al Hosani
VP, Energy Projects Academy



Muzzamil Khider Ahmed
Senior VP & Chief People Officer
Baker Hughes



Salma Al Hajeri
Regional VP E. Med & N. Africa
Mubadala Energy



Giuseppe Vischetti
Chief Financial Officer
Energean International



Nahla Abid  VP
Strategy, Mid. East, Caspian Sea
Bureau Veritas



Moataz Serag
Country Director Egypt



Zainub Noor
Director, Scouting & Innovation
Halliburton Labs



Moataz Moussa
VP of Business Services
Wintershall Dea



Brandy Jones
HR Vice President
Apache Corporation



Samar Yehia
HR Vice President
Schneider Electric



Maha Ahmed
HR Director
Lekela Power



Heba Abaza
HR Director, Middle East



Yara Rashad
HR Director



Eric Oechslin
International Labour Org.



Sherif Wassef
Learning & Development Partner
Hitachi Energy



Asma Almani
MENA Chair
Lean in Equity & Sustainability



Nawal Nouri
HR & Comms North Africa



Thenji Moyo
Partner and Head of Employment
Gateley LLP



Dina Hegazi
Partner, Energy
Avery Law



Nahla Arsenault
Capex and Turnaround Lead




Yousra Assaker
Senior Energy Specialist
World Bank





Wael Hossam
International Business Growth,
HR & Digital Transformation














EGYPES 2024 welcomes the international energy community from 19 - 21 February 2024 at the Egypt International Exhibition Center to address energy transition, security and decarbonisation globally. The Middle East is leading the conversation around a fair and equitable energy transition and energy future. At the nexus between North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East, Egypt is emerging as the gateway to new energy frontiers, as well as an attractive investment and partner destination in its own right.









Educational and Cultural Exchange: We envision collaborating with institutions to develop educational programs and cultural experiences onboard the Queen of the Nile cruiser, including derivative vessels for use on rivers and coasts around the world, fostering understanding and appreciation for Egypt's rich history and culture, further strengthening international cooperation.



CUTTING EDGE SHOWCASE - The "Queen of the Nile" themed solar and hydrogen powered ship features Cleopatra as her figurehead in Isis form. This vessel could be ready for EGYPES 2025 with strong winds, or 2026 with a fair wind. She is an EU Mission, designed to demonstrate zero carbon sea and river transportation in action. Derived from the "Elizabeth Swann" she could be the world's fastest hydrogen vessel. The Cleaner Ocean Foundation sends their very best to all those involved in making the EGYPES event happen. Nothing would give them greater pleasure, than cruising the river Nile in this Zero Carbon vessel, perhaps to coincide with future Egyptian events. Helping all participants to save Planet Earth.




Cruise HOME or surf our CLEOCEANARY




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